Tree Damage

Tree Damage

Trees, Trees, Trees!

They are beautiful and we Minnesotans love watching them as they change through our 4 seasons.  However, if one comes down due to wind or lightning strike, they can cause a lot of damage and be a big (and sometimes expensive) mess to clean up.

Let’s look at a typical homeowner’s insurance policy and see how trees might be covered.


If you lose a tree from fire or lightning, your policy will generally pay for the tree (including debris removal) but limits your coverage per tree. Most policies have a $500 max cap per-tree.


Policies do not provide coverage to replace the tree. However, your policy MAY provide coverage for debris removal, but again limits coverage for this (typically $500-$1000).  Some policies will require that you have damage to property or restrict a roadway before they will cover debris removal.


Please also keep in mind that your deductible always applies.

Having said all of that, NO two policies are created equal.  If you have questions on coverage for your trees, refer to your policy language (happy reading) or give us a call, and we can check into your policy coverage for you.