Meet Sarah

In Sarah's words...

What docustomers have to say?

Dana Kerfeld April 2024

An over all great experience. Sarah explained the insurance I would need and asked if I had any questions. I felt listened to and that is not a service you receive very often. Thank you, appreciate your hard work. ***Customer since 2024***

Marc Miller January 2024

Not just asking me what I would like for a policy. Looking and finding the best rates with the best deductibles.

Dave Vander Vegt, July 2023

Great to work with. Good rates, good people. Your people know their stuff and are very professional!

Are all your high value items covered?

March 23, 2022

Personal Inland Marine insurance provides protection for property such as guns, cameras, sporting equipment, jewelry, coin collections, tractors, antiques or collectibles to name a few.  These types of personal property may have a higher value but have limited coverage under your home insurance policy.  However, these items can be “scheduled” (or listed) on your home […]

Insurance Rates on the Rise, Are You Prepared?

December 10, 2021

Preparing for your next insurance renewal is not something we really plan for. Perhaps you get the bill and don’t open it for a week only to painfully tear that envelope or open that email to unveil the new premium days later. Along with most other businesses, our world has also impacted the insurance industry, […]

Winterizing your Summer Cabin

October 14, 2021

By April Alberg & Emmalee Sundet Getting ready for winter is no joke, us Minnesotans know that once October hits, snow is just around the corner and could hit any day. So, taking care of those pesky details to get ready for the long and cold winter ahead of us is important. One of those […]