Pine County Fast Grant

Pine County Fast Grant

Pine County Fast Grants are available for Bars/Restaurants, Fitness Centers, Cinema, Theaters, and Bowling Alleys

Businesses in Pine County that are identified under Emergency Executive Order 20-99 as 1) bar/restaurant 2) gymnasium, fitness or recreation center or 3) theater, cinema, or bowling alley, are eligible to apply for a Fast Grant of $4,000 to help sustain the business during the 4-Week Dial Back period imposed by EEO 20-99.

More information is available on the Pine County web page Applications must be received by Pine County by Tuesday, November 24th at 4:00 p.m.

View Application

Questions on the grants should be directed to:

David Minke | | (320) 591-1621

Don Hickman, Initiative Foundation | | (320) 631-2043

Funding for this program is through the federal CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act).